We were dismayed this afternoon to find our sound cabinet at 2640 broken open, with most of our sound system missing. About $2000 worth of gear was taken, almost all of which we had bought with money borrowed from our own (meager) personal finances in order to help get the space off the ground. We used this equipment for most of the events we do at the space, from talks to concerts to film screenings, and until we can replace it, we're pretty much screwed. We're trying to raise money to replace the stolen equipment - any support you can offer is greatly appreciated, and will help us get community events running smoothly and audibly at 2640 that much more quickly.Please consider offering some financial support. If you would like to help, click here for PayPal information and to learn where to send any checks.
2640 Robbed
A message comes from the Red Emma's collective informing us that 2640 was robbed (2640 is the site of valuable radical events, including talks and films; I've mentioned two such events, here and here):